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Human Performance Outliers Podcast

Mar 20, 2019

Welcome to the Human Performance Outliers Podcast with hosts Dr. Shawn Baker and Zach Bitter. For this episode, we welcome Dr. Zsofia Clemens onto the show. Zsofia is a biologist and clinical researcher in nutrition, nutritional therapy and neurology, and a specialist in paleolithic ketogenic physiology. She is part of the Paleo Medicina group in Budapest. You can find more information about paleomedicina at

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"The Carnivore Diet" Amazon and Barnes and Noble

Instagram handles: @shawnbaker1967@zachbitter, @zsofiaclemens

Twitter handles: @SBakerMD@zbitter@ClemensZsofia

Facebook handles: Shawn Baker@zach.bitter, @paleomedicina

Website URLs: ,, and

If you would like to set up a consult call with either Zach or Shawn, you can schedule with Zach at and with Shawn at

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