Feb 27, 2019
Welcome to the Human Performance Outliers Podcast with hosts Dr. Shawn Baker and Zach Bitter. For this episode, we welcome Dr. Peter Ballerstedt who has extensive experience in forage agronomy, agriculture, and ruminants. He was the Forage Extension Specialist at Oregon State University from 1986 to 1992. His personal experience led him to study human diet and health. What he’s learned doesn’t agree with low-fat-is healthy dietary advice we’ve been given for more than 30 years. This understanding, combined with his forage background, has given him an interest in the truly sustainable forms of agriculture – those including ruminant animals.
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Thank you Unicity for sponsoring this episode! Discounts available on your order of Unimate Yerba Mate: unicity.com/hpo (@unicity & @unicityinternational)
Instagram handles: @shawnbaker1967, @zachbitter, @grassbased
Twitter handles: @SBakerMD, @zbitter, @GrassBased
Facebook handles: Shawn Baker, @zach.bitter
Website URLs: zachbitter.com , shawn-baker.com, grassbasedhealth.blogspot.com
If you would like to set up a consult call with either Zach or Shawn, you can schedule with Zach at calendly.com/zbittercoaching and with Shawn at shawn-baker.com/consultation/.
If you would like to contact the show, please send your emails to hpopodcast@gmail.com