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Human Performance Outliers Podcast

Jan 31, 2023

This is a listener inspired topic episode. The topics discussed include, is it better to run once per day or twice, assuming volume and intensity equates. I opened this topic up a bit to discuss some other variables to consider when spacing workouts and intensities. Also, my take on ties in major races. 


Jan 26, 2023

Leighton Phillips has trained and raced endurance events from a young age. This included swimming, triathlon, and ultramarathon. After years of endurance experience, Leighton wanted to explore the world of low carbohydrate nutrition and performance. Along the way, he developed a product line SFuels, which he worked...

Jan 24, 2023

This topic episode dives into working out when sick and when it is okay to resume training, and the reason and application of cool downs, with a final consideration about long cool downs. Thanks to  Hans Weber & Jonas Narkeliūnas for submitting these topics. 


HPO Sponsors:

Jan 20, 2023

Paul Laursen is an author, endurance coach, high-performance consultant and entrepreneur. He has used and coached athletes on low carbohydrate nutrition. He was formerly employed as the Physiology Manager for High Performance Sport New Zealand, and has retained his former joint role as Adjunct Professor of...

Jan 12, 2023

For this episodes, I dig into a couple of listener suggested topics. 

1) Optimal training time and structuring volume and frequency

2) Timeline to recover from a race

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